Category: Uncategorized

More Stuff New To You

It’s time once again for some new products at Hill Hardware.  I’ve said before that we are always adding new things, and that’s for sure as I am rapidly falling behind in writing up the new ones.  I’ll just have to keep writing and do the best I can.  Here’s the latest installment. The first

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Life is a Carousel

Now that the Labor Day holiday is just around the corner it was time to change out the “Hardware Man” display in the store window.  Mary Anne always wants to change out the window often, but it’s been my experience that it takes folks awhile to notice the displays.  The window could be months old,

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Off To The Woods

I’ve always liked the woods.  When I was a kid, we all played in the woods along the Chagrin River behind my Mom’s house.  We played Army, hide and seek, built tree forts, and played in the creek.  If I consider it, those were some of the happiest times of my life.  The woods were

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Tube Trouble

This is the third time this Summer that I have run into tube trouble.  The first time I got a flat on my Massey Ferguson tractor while I was brush hogging the big field at our house.  The second one was on the little truck that I took to the antique power show.  Both of

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Everything Old Is New Again…

It’s now time for another installment of the “what’s new at Hill Hardware?”  I haven’t had time recently to write a regular article for the blog this month.  July seems to be our busiest month, with the store pretty busy as long as the weather is good, and I’ve had something to do every weekend

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Who Bit My Tongue?

This week I’ve got a problem with my tongue.  No, not THAT tongue, the tongue on my trailer.  I’ve had a little cargo trailer for quite a few years now.  My friend Randy got it free from a fellow for helping to clean out his barn.  He didn’t really need it so he gave it

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More Things New…

This is the second installment of the “what’s new at Hill Hardware?” series of articles.  These will be pretty short and possibly low on the entertainment scale.  Hopefully they will make up for it with high information content by informing you about new or possibly just “new to you” products that we have added recently

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As in Doctor Who of course.  For those of you aren’t familiar with the “Doctor”, Doctor Who is a long running British science fiction show that has been on the air since the early 1960’s.  The Doctor is a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey.  A two-hearted alien, who can live for hundreds of years

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Something New…

This is something new, as in “Something old, something new, something borrowed,” etc.  It seems like I’m always writing about old things in this column.  Whether it’s actual old stuff that I own, or the as good as the old time products that we have at Hill Hardware.  Well I’m trying something new this time,

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Ol’ Kiss Of Death

It seems like sometimes I just have the luck (bad that is).  I suppose that everyone feels like that sometimes, and this week it was just my turn.  I wrote before about my buddy Lou’s new fishing boat up in Geneva.  It’s been running fine since we played musical batteries in it a couple weeks

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Contact Us

Hill Hardware
14545 Main Street (N. Cheshire)
Burton Ohio 44021

We are directly across the street from Coffee Corners!

Phone: (440) 834-4471

Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed on Sundays