The Blog


Now that New Year’s has passed, we should be in the depths of Winter. Another month ’till Groundhog’s Day, and then Spring is (eventually) here! Except this is northeast Ohio and the weather does just what it wants. Last week it was pretty warm and the little bit of snow that we received before Christmas

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Happy (What’s) New Year!!

Happy New Products! Oops, I meant to say New Year. We’ve been pretty busy for the last few weeks selling Christmas gifts for people to give to each other. After the big holiday has passed, we usually slow down for the Winter. I’ve been keeping busy stocking miscellaneous hardware and rearranging things in the store

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Window Dressing

When Christmastime starts to come around, we like to put up some decorations to help us get in the spirit. I put up some Christmas lights around the store windows and on our front porch at home. We also like to do something special in the front windows of the store. We’ve had a Fall

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The Show Goes On

This week’s blog is a little bit of a departure from normal, it’s a concert review! Last weekend Mary Anne took me out to see a rock concert. It wasn’t one of the big new bands (I’m not even sure who they would be these days), but one of the golden oldies, Three Dog Night!

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What’s New – Magic Boxes

One of the things that I love about hardware stores are “magic boxes”. You may ask, “What are magic boxes?” Well, to me they are the little drawer boxes found in hardware stores that contain all the “little bits and bob’s” of miscellaneous hardware that you might need for a given project. Now, we’ve always

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Change of the Seasons

Well, congratulations to those of you that follow this blog and to myself of course. This is the 200th installment of this missive so far. It all started when my wife Mary Anne suggested that in these modern times that the store needed a bigger online presence. We had set up a website, but websites

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What’s New – Seasonal

Now that I’m all caught up on our many travels, it’s almost Halloween, and it’s time for some seasonal new products here at the store. These items all fit in with the change of the seasons from warm to cool, and the chores associated with them. The first one is probably a little late for

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Deal Island Vacation, Chapter 3 – The Quick And The Dead

I’m about finished with stories about our vacation on Deal Island, but I figured that there were a few more things that I could cover before we go on. While Deal Island is very small, there are a couple (at least) unique things about it. They are crabbing, skipjacks and the cemeteries. As I mentioned

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Deal Island Vacation, Chapter 2 – Being There

It’s now time to continue with our story about Mary Anne’s and my vacation to Maryland. Once we finally made it unscathed to our cottage on Deal Island, things settled down more into our basic vacation mode. We slept in the next morning (as late as the dogs would allow, about 6am) and then made

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Deal Island Vacation, Chapter 1 – Getting There

I haven’t written anything in awhile, we’ve been pretty busy and took some time off to go out of town. Mary Anne, my wife, occasionally gets sudden urges to go on a trip and in August she started emailing me vacation property listings. They were all for cottages on islands on the East coast. I

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Contact Us

Hill Hardware
14545 Main Street (N. Cheshire)
Burton Ohio 44021

We are directly across the street from Coffee Corners!

Phone: (440) 834-4471

Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed on Sundays