The Blog

Stuck on You – Part Two

  Last time we talked about various types of glue. As we said, glues work well only when the gap between the two parts to be joined is small. When there is any appreciable gap that you need to fill, you need a cement. Think about how mortar fills the joint between two bricks, you

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Stuck on You

 One group of items in the fastening category that is not usually thought of as a fastener is glue. Glue can be very handy to fasten things together when something has broken and fixing it with nails or screws is either not possible or too unsightly. It can also be used to construct things from

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The Age of Steam

   When you consider the technological ages of man, as a baby boomer I am sure I grew up in the age of oil, and who would deny that we are now firmly in the computer age. But about a century and a half ago civilization entered what should be known as the age of

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Tools of Destruction

 Last time, we covered carpenter’s or nail hammers. Today I thought we would talk about other striking tools. Like I said last week, striking tools have a heavy head attached to a long handle to give leverage and are used to deliver a blow to another tool or object. If nail hammers are for hitting

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Nobody’s Hardware

“I love going to Hill Hardware, because I know that Dave will be able to help me find whatever I need. If for some reason he doesn’t have it on hand, he can get it in for me right away.” ~Gabe Arnold, Hill Hardware fan for 20+ years  Why should you go to Hill Hardware?

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Introducing Hill Hardware’s New (?) Delivery Truck

Hill Hardware’s newest foray into the delivery business made its debut Saturday, July 26, at the 2014 Burton Antique Power Show. Just kidding, our new truck is actually manufactured circa 1970 by a company called Sharp Mini-Cars. It is a 1/4 scale working auto loosely based on the famous Model T Ford. Originally thought up

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Hill Hardware Carries Honesty, Advice and 7000 Items

About seven years ago there was a ‘changing of the guard,’ so to speak, on Burton Square. A transaction took place, a switch was made, and a new owner was welcomed to town. “I happened to go to Hill Hardware one day to buy plumbing parts,” says Dave Lamppert who has an industrial engineer background,

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Contact Us

Hill Hardware
14545 Main Street (N. Cheshire)
Burton Ohio 44021

We are directly across the street from Coffee Corners!

Phone: (440) 834-4471
Email: [email protected]

Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed on Sundays