Nobody’s Hardware

“I love going to Hill Hardware, because I know that Dave will be able to help me find whatever I need. If for some reason he doesn’t have it on hand, he can get it in for me right away.” ~Gabe Arnold, Hill Hardware fan for 20+ years 

Why should you go to Hill Hardware? Because they carry the tools and supplies that you need for your project.

You tried to find it at the place that is supposed to carry everything, but alas, it wasn’t there. In fact, they didn’t even know what you were talking about. But much to your delight, right when you walked through the door of Hill Hardware in Burton, there stood Dave Lamppert, the owner.

“You don’t happen to have one of these, do you?” you asked.
To which Dave immediately replied, “Sure, what size do you need?”
And your jaw dropped. “I’ve been everywhere, NOBODY has these.” Incredible!

Maybe it should be called “Nobody’s Hardware” because nobody has that.

Yes, you can find it at Hill Hardware, right there in Burton.

Small business.

It really doesn’t get any better than that!


Three Reasons to Shop at Hill Hardware:

1. The authentic look and feel – and the smell!
2. You can talk to an engineer about your repair problem (Dave).
3. They have everything and/or can get anything you need.

Next time you’re tempted to go to the Big Store for that hard to find item, or anything pictured above, remember – Dave Lamppert probably has it. Make Hill Hardware your first stop. Make a new friend in Dave. Make Geauga County a better place because you bought local.

Hill Hardware
14545 N. Cheshire St. on the Square
Burton, OH 44021

(440) 834-4471

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