Category: Uncategorized

On The Cape

In last week’s exciting installment you’ll remember that we had finally made it to Cape Cod for our vacation. What do you do once you’re there? The answer is whatever you want! We usually checked out the tourist information that we picked up on the way, and there are some things that we do every

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Finally Made It!

A few weeks ago I started the story of our Fall vacation with a couple articles about the adventures that we had driving out to Cape Cod. Today we’ll pick up where we left off, when we finally get there! Because of our long visit at Fort Ontario, it was dark by the time we

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New Goodies For Christmas

Just thought that I would send out a quick reminder today that it’s December already and pretty soon the big man will be coming down a chimney near you. Now some of us older folks know that Santa sometimes needs a little help with his shopping, so it was not just a coincidence that a

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Big Boys’ Toys

Today was a fun day here at Hill Hardware. Oh, sure, I was busy helping folks find parts to repair their toilets and such. Then about Noon, when I was trying to eat my sandwich, a tour bus rolled into town. A few tourists made purchases, but most were just tire kickers coming through to

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King of the Gods

This is getting a little long in the tooth, but I wanted to show you out of town folks this year’s Hill Hardware scarecrow. Mary Anne and I have to come up with a new idea every year for our sidewalk scarecrow at the store. You see, the Burton Chamber of Commerce tries to get

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More Vacation Fun

To carry on from last time, Mary Anne and I left the Amsterdam Castle to continue our vacation. Because we had more time to sight-see since we were taking two days to travel to the Cape, Mary Anne said for me to find something that I wanted to see along the way. As I am

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Vacation Follies – Part 1

I have to apologize to our regular readers, as I haven’t been able to write anything on the blog for a while. It was mainly because Mary Anne and I took a week’s vacation last month and it’s taken me this long to get caught up. Unfortunately, when you run your own business, things have

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Something’s Fishy

I hate to write about the same thing too often, but I figured that this would be OK, as it was way back in June that I detailed my last fishing trip up on Lake Erie. As a reminder of how it went, let’s just say that it was underwhelming. Even though the walleye have

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A Grateful Nation

Some folks that came into the store this week noticed that I was away for a few days. A few asked if I was on vacation and I replied, “Not really, it was a family thing.” What it was actually was a trip to our nation’s capitol to go to Arlington National Cemetery for the

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A Little Too Salty

When it comes to taste, my wife Mary Anne prefers sweet, while I tend to like salty. Well, I used to think that nothing could be too salty for me, but I may have met my match. I was driving my Ford Escape (the wrecked one) to the store a few weeks ago and I

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Contact Us

Hill Hardware
14545 Main Street (N. Cheshire)
Burton Ohio 44021

We are directly across the street from Coffee Corners!

Phone: (440) 834-4471

Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed on Sundays