Category: Uncategorized

And You Can Take That To The Bank

    I may be dating myself here a little bit, but this article is about post office boxes. I mean they really aren’t that obsolete, we actually have one for the hardware store mail. Of course the young folks do all this stuff electronically though. We went to an escape room last week as part

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Graduation Time!

    Now that I’ve covered the side-trips from our journey to Maryland, I suppose that I ought to mention the main reason that we went; our niece Faith’s high school graduation. It is hard to believe that Faith is now out of high school. It seems as if it were just yesterday that she was

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Take Me (Us) Out To The Ballgame

    I’ve been so busy getting the garden in that I still haven’t finished the story of our trip to Maryland to see my sister’s family. I did write about our visit to the Baltimore Museum of Industry a couple weeks ago (it was great), but that was only part of the trip. One of

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Here’s A Shovel Man, You Dig?

    I haven’t written in a while, but as I have been saying, this is our busiest time of year. Not only are we busy at the store, then we went on our trip to Maryland, and when we got home, I’ve been trying to get my garden in. Contrary to what you might think,

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Right Up My Alley

    Sorry that I haven’t written anything for a couple of weeks, but I’ve been busy. Actually I’ve been out of town. Last week my wife Mary Anne and I drove down to Maryland to visit my sister’s family and see my niece graduate from high school. I was a pretty good trip, but I

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Art Is My Life

    Now that Spring is getting well established Mary Anne said that it was past time for a new window display. The one that we had featured the a maple tree and sap bucket, along with a sugar house with snow on the roof. She said that it was out of season and we needed

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Don’t Go Into The Basement!

    A lot of folks come into the hardware store and ask, “What’s in the basement?” If this were one of those low budget horror films I would tell them, “Why don’t you go down and find out?” Then, while everyone in the theater cries, “Don’t go in the basement!” they proceed to go down

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Lettuce Entertain You

    The weather was really nice yesterday and I decided to do some Spring gardening in the backyard instead of working on the car (my other project). I’m a pretty poor gardener, I usually get lots of weeds and not a lot of produce. I keep trying though, I figure that sooner or later I

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It’s for the Birds

    Now that the weather is getting warmer, my wife Mary Anne and I like to go out walking when we have time and last weekend we did. We were up at our cottage in Fairport Harbor and as we had already walked around town and down to the beach, we were looking for somewhere

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I Have Many Hangups

    Here at the Old Hardware Store, we have lots of hangups. Not the psychological kind, but the wall and ceiling kind. One of the main things folks do to personalize and decorate their homes is to hang things up for decoration. Be it artwork, plants, clocks or whatever, there are many ways to hang

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Contact Us

Hill Hardware
14545 Main Street (N. Cheshire)
Burton Ohio 44021

We are directly across the street from Coffee Corners!

Phone: (440) 834-4471
Email: [email protected]

Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed on Sundays