Category: Uncategorized

Hill Hardware Enters The 1990’s !

 It might seem obvious to those of you that know me, but sometimes I have a little trouble keeping up with the times. I live in an old house, work with old tools and own an old hardware store. I usually fight any new things tooth and nail. Just ask my wife who has been

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Another Prize

 If you have been following our blog you already know that last week Hill Hardware gave away a free air compressor to the lucky winner of our 65th anniversary raffle. Craig came to pick it up last week and he was very impressed with the prize and thanked us sincerely. But what comes around goes

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And the Lucky Winner is…

    Pancake time in Burton has come and gone, and our 65th anniversary prize drawing has concluded. Participation has been tremendous, and now it is time for the drawing. To prove that the drawing is not “rigged”, we brought our grandson Jamie in to pull the winning ticket. Jamie was in town anyway so his

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Let There Be Light

    As we had several lamps dropped off to repair lately, I thought that lamp wiring and repair might be a good topic to talk about today. Household lamps can be trouble-free for years at a time (except for burned out bulbs), but sooner or later they often start to give trouble. Most, however, are

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Pack Away Winter

    Well I’d say that it’s about time to pack Winter away. As we were putting away our window decoration snowmen, getting ready for a Spring display, it occurred to me that it was time to talk about Spring and the outdoor jobs that need to be addressed this time of year. Mainly this means

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March Maple Madness

    Last week we talked about March in Burton and the accompanying pancakes. This week I thought I’d talk a little bit about the process of making maple syrup itself. As I assume you all know, real maple syrup comes only from maple trees. We’re not talking the grocery store variety here. When I was

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March Madness in Burton

    At Hill Hardware we have our own brand of March madness, however, it does not involve basketball, but pancakes. In case you haven’t heard, Burton, Ohio is pancake town U.S.A. What this means is that for the month of March, give or take a few weeks, people flock to Burton to attend fund raising

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Hill Hardware Anniversary Giveaway

Here at Hill Hardware we are now celebrating our 65th anniversary. Hill’s was opened by the Hill Family in 1950, Hill Hardware has now been a family owned local business for 65 years. Currently operated by Dave and Mary Anne Lamppert of Troy Township, Hill’s is the same hometown hardware store that it’s always been,

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Winter – Take Two

     Well it looks like the girls at the meat market were wrong. The weather this Saturday looks like a repeat of last week. But fear not, Spring will come! I’m just tired of this weather like everyone else, so this week I’m going to jump ahead to where my thoughts have been lately

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Why are My Coat Pockets Full of Snow?

     As I look out the front door of the old hardware store, it looks like I’m trapped inside one of those snow shaker balls. The weatherman said we were supposed to get less than one inch today, but we have gotten about 6 so far, and it’s only noon. Is it just me

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Contact Us

Hill Hardware
14545 Main Street (N. Cheshire)
Burton Ohio 44021

We are directly across the street from Coffee Corners!

Phone: (440) 834-4471

Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed on Sundays