The Blog

Mail Call

I always look forward to Saturdays here at Hill Hardware, not because I like to work on weekends (who does?), but because of mail. We don’t get street delivery here at the store, who knows why, it’s the post office. So I usually have to wait until Saturday to get the mail. The post boxes

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When A Tree Falls…

There is an old saying; “ When a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody around to hear it, does it make a noise?” I don’t know the philosophical answer to that question, but I just missed a great opportunity to run a practical test. Sadly sometime over the Winter we lost another

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Let There Be (More) Light

Those of you who are my regular readers might remember a previous post about fixing lights for the store (see “Let There Be Light”). Well, here is another installment. I found some “new” lights at the second hand store, and since I liked them and they were cheap (like me) I bought them for the

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An Oldie But A Goodie

This week I have just a short article about one of my hardware store projects. One of my customers brought in an old Hunter oscillating fan and wanted me to put a new electrical cord on it for her. The fan was in very good shape otherwise, so it was a good idea to replace

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Hill Hardware By The Numbers

The inspiration for this article came to me last week when I got a pack of 4×6 poly bags out of the box in the cupboard. We use these to bag up small quantities of screws, nuts and other hardware. I try to keep a pack near the scale and another next to the cash

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‘Snow Big Thing

Well, as predicted the big snow came last weekend. On account of the travel warning not to go anywhere, my buddy Lou and I decided to drive two counties over to Jefferson for a hunting and fishing show at the fairgrounds. We ate breakfast at the Jefferson Diner before hand and it was delicious. After

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Feeding The Chickens

I don’t know if we can blame it on global warming or not ( I always do!), but the seasons have been a little off lately. Last Fall, we went from running the A/C at the store on Wednesday to having to turn on the furnace Friday morning. It changed that fast! Then after a

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New Products Update

I’ve got a few minutes today, so I thought that we could squeeze in a short article featuring more new products. The first new item is actually an improved version of something we already carried. It is an outdoor power distribution box that incorporates a stake to mount it upright in your yard. As everyone

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A Christmas Mess!

Now that we’ve finally finished up my exhaustive coverage of our Fall vacation, I’ll jump back to recent history for our next story. Last week was Christmas, and I always have trouble thinking of a good gift for my wife Mary Anne. She was helpful this year, giving me the hint that she needed a

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More Trains!

Well, I said last time that we were done with our vacation story, I lied, well, kind of. Mary Anne and I did actually leave Cape Cod after we cheated death on our stormy whale watching trip. We stopped on the way home, however and had one more activity on our itinerary. This one also

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Contact Us

Hill Hardware
14545 Main Street (N. Cheshire)
Burton Ohio 44021

We are directly across the street from Coffee Corners!

Phone: (440) 834-4471
Email: [email protected]

Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed on Sundays