It’s October and I’m Stuffed

    October is here and I’m stuffed. No, it has nothing to do with Halloween candy or other Fall fare such as apples or cider. It means that it is time for the scarecrows to return to Burton. The un-official scarecrow contest is sponsored by the Burton Chamber of Commerce and there are no prizes and not really any rules. Just get a scarecrow of some description out in front of your business and don’t make it too scary.Scarecrows 2017 005

   There are some good ones this year. The coffee shop put out Sue and Jerry and they look so true to life that as I look out my front door I expect them to turn around and wave.

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   The beauty parlor has the whole family out front. They seem to be busy giving Cousin It from the Addams Family a new hairdo. If it’s It now who’s next, Lurch?

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   Straw Dave is out in front of the Hardware store as usual, this year dressed as a farmer with a load of pumpkins in his wheelbarrow. This may not fit in exactly with the “your business” theme for this years’ scarecrows, but if you read my blog, you already know that I grew pumpkins this year (I fact I grew the ones in the wheelbarrow). If you check the archives you’ll see that I wrote a past blog about getting my tractor stuck while I was planting them. So while he may not be “Hardware Dave” he’s definitely all me, just ask Mary Anne…

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