Fair Time Again?

    Am I the only one, or does the end of Summer always seem to sneak up on us? It seems that school starts earlier and earlier every year (hint, hint – it does!). When I was in school we never started until after Labor Day, but then again we almost never got snow days off back then (I know, uphill, both ways), so we could start later in the Fall. Be that as it may, Labor Day has come and gone, and with it the Great Geauga County Fair. People sometimes ask, the Great Geauga County Fair, what makes it so “Great”? I just assume that these folks have never attended, otherwise they would know.


   My wife Mary Anne and I attended the fair last weekend, twice actually, with my Sister and Nephew who were in from out of town. We, of course visited the animal barns to see all the critters, watched some of the draft horse teams, and checked out the outsized produce (how come mine never looks that nice?). We also had some fair food such as the famous 4H milkshakes and this year we sampled the Masons Lodge diner – highly recommended! I also ran down the merchants row to check out the new power equipment and products. Man, that new yard equipment is sure fancy, but a little out of my price range (but if you put it on our easy payment plan that only comes out to…).


   When we were done wandering the midway, we stopped by the Burton Chamber of Commerce booth to do our shift sitting behind the table. We handed out brochures and sold some maple syrup and candy. By the time they said that we could go home we were pretty tired. Good thing we managed to catch a tractor wagon ride back to our car in the parking lot, otherwise we might not have made it.
