Trick or Treat


   For those of you who might have been on the moon or something, last Saturday was Halloween. I have many great memories of going out trick-or-treating when I was a kid in Chagrin. We would always carve a pumpkin (and it would get stolen, because of Chagrin’s pumpkin roll) and dress up in our costume and hit up the neighbors for treats. I was an astronaut, or a pirate or a ghost, no zombies or slashers in those days – too scary.

Halloween 2

   Since I’ve lived out in Troy, I’ve had a perfect record, no trick-or-treaters in 25 years, so we go up to our cottage in Fairport Harbor, where we get them by the boatload. I carved up my jack-o-lantern, and lit it with a genuine Hill Hardware plumber’s candle (used back in the day to sweat lead pipes!). Then my wife Mary Anne and I got down to business passing out our candy to the little munchkins. Our seven bags lasted about an hour and a half, I guess we need a few more. It wasn’t too cold, but after a while I broke out the Big Buddy heater to take the chill off. When we were out of candy we just turned out the porch light and ate a pizza in front of the TV. A good time was had by all!