Gone Fishin’


   I’m not what you would call a real fisherman, but my Dad took me fishing a few times when I was younger and I always thought it was fun. We never had a boat, but we fished in the Chagrin river and in a few farm ponds near our house. When I got older, I didn’t go fishing for many years, but last year I went again, and it was as fun as before. I wanted to go again this season, but this year has been very busy at the Old Hardware Store and I was not able to get much time off. Now things are a little better with more help around the store. Last week the weather was beautiful and I went out perch fishing on Lake Erie with an old friend of mine. We left out out of Fairport Harbor with his boat that he has been keeping in the driveway of our cottage.

Fishing 2

   The weather was great, but apparently no one told the fish and they weren’t biting all that well. After about an hour of nothing, my friend Lou hauled in a “monster” perch of about 6” long and hapily exclaimed, “At least we did’t get skunked!” We finally ended up with about 15 perch and a catfish that we kept, not counting a few that we threw back. In spite of the dearth of fish, we had a great time and hope to go at least one more time before the end of the season.