Holiday Greetings


   When my wife reminded me that it’s the end of the year again and it was time to send out our holiday greetings, I found it hard to believe. Where does the time go? It seems like I just sent out last year’s letter. Looking back at last year I was already complaining about the second hard Winter in a row. I was reading about how global warming was to blame for our hard Winters due to the new “Polar Vortex”. This year has been very mild so far, due to the “El Nino” which they say is due to, you guessed it, global warming. I suppose that come what may, Northeastern Ohio weather will be the same, unpredictable.

   Aside from the weather being better, we have seen business improving also. The slow years of the recession and the real estate crisis are fading in the distance and the economy seems to be improving. Most people have more money to spend and they have been doing some of those home maintenance chores that have been put off for a few years. We have also met several families new to Burton that have purchased homes in the area. They check out what downtown has to offer and they are always glad to see that Burton has a local hardware store and we usually can add another loyal customer.

   Hill Hardware has added many new products this year, we average a couple every week. Lately we have been adding new, high efficiency lighting products to replace the old incandescent bulbs that have been phased out. We also have added new paint and hardware items to our ever growing selection of products (7000+ so far, and still counting). Dave’s weekly hardware blog is also still going strong, find it at, or at our Hill Hardware facebook page. Check it out regularly to keep up to date with Dave’s hardware information and witticism’s about life here in Burton.

   Speaking of staying up to date, the next time that you are in town, stop in and see what is new at Hill Hardware. Also, be sure to ask for your free Hill Hardware carpenter’s pencil and our usual Country Spirit wall calender. Once again we would like to thank you for your continued patronage and wish each of you a happy Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year.

With sincere best wishes,

Dave & Mary Anne Lamppert

Dave & Mary Anne Lamppert


Christmas Farm