Pancake Reunion!

    As you all are aware, I’m sure, March is pancake time here in Burton and last week we partook in them big-time. You’ve got your choice of several places in Burton and several surrounding communities. You can get fireman’s pancakes, rotary pancakes, historical pancakes and several other choices. All of them have their special features and all of them support a good cause. This time we selected the Burton VFW, mainly because my Mom was coming and they offer the best accommodation for someone with limited mobility.


   My sister came up from her home in Maryland and we put the call out to the family to see who could attend. Two of my sons could come, with their respective wives and children (one son had to work), and my sister talked my mom into coming. The westsiders all bailed out crying “It’s toooo early!” so we said “The more for us!”. I think that we had a pretty good showing as we got together four generations of our family for a pancake themed reunion.


   My wife Mary Anne had fun fussing over the grand-kids and my Mom and sister had a good time catching up on what was happening in Maryland. The food was tasty and the service was great. Boy, those volunteers do a good job putting on breakfast for a couple of hundred of their closest friends.


   After we finished eating and had a last cup of “Joe” I had to go up and open the store. Sundays in March are the only time the hardware store is open on Sunday for the after breakfast strollers. I fire up one of the steam engines and sit back to let my meal digest. There is only one more weekend in March left, so if you’ve been putting it off, go get some pancakes and I’ll see you after, at The Old Hardware Store…